Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tell it how it really is!

On Sunday I was substituting in Kamry's primary class so Courtney was sitting on my lap. During sharing time the teacher said, "You girls and boys are sweet and innocent." As she continued Courtney leaded over to me and said, "Mom boys are NOT sweet!!!" She totally thought the teacher was lying. I have 5 little boys in my home that I watch and I think they are totally sweet but apparently Courtney doesn't think so. It was so funny. Leave it to Courtney to tell it how it really is.

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Addition to our family!!!

It's not what you are thinking. This house is done having babies. I would like to introduce you to Charlie. He is our pet muskrat.

This is the big bush by our house that he has moved into. At first he fell down into the window well and scarred Kamry to death. But Kyle scooped him out and we thought we would never see him again. But I guess he liked us.
We have been feeding him gold fish crackers and he seems to like them. The girls have fun watching for him out the window. We didn't know what he was for sure so we had to google what a muskrat looked like. And sure enough that is what he is. I know he still is a rat. But I like to think of him as a large outside hamster. Okay yes I have cabin fever already. Bare with me I'm sure it will soon pass.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Years Resolution #5..........

.............become a better blogger. I hope this isn't like my last years resolutions because I actually want to work on this. I enjoy reading other people's blogs so I thought I need to do better on my own. So along with 10 other resolutions I will really try to work on this. Here are some cute pics of our girls that our amazing photographer (aka my sister Penny) took over the holidays.